Last Updated: April 2022
The Wizard's Map is an attempt to combine 3D and UI to create a high-fidelity world map that the players would use to navigate the world. I've always loved maps and different environmental terrains so this project has interested me for a long time. It was fun to use tools I've never heard of before like Gaea and tools that I've been practicing like Unreal and Substance Designer to create something unique and special.
The Wizard's Map is an attempt to combine 3D and UI to create a high-fidelity world map that the players would use to navigate the world. I've always loved maps and different environmental terrains so this project has interested me for a long time. It was fun to use tools I've never heard of before like Gaea and tools that I've been practicing like Unreal and Substance Designer to create something unique and special.
Video playthrough
The overall narrative for this project is you're looking at a map that a wizard pulled out inside a tavern. I'm imagining a Dungeons and Dragons style campaign where you and your party are starting your journey in a tavern and an old man walks up and plops this magical map in front of everyone. You and your party take your time planning your campaign before setting off. This narrative mainly influenced the edges of the map with the magical pulsating border and the papers and weapons scattered on the table.